The One Where It's Time
some things just won't change ;)
earlier, with much enthusiasm, i thought, hey why not skip rope for a half hour? i can't keep talking about the weight i gained after all.
15 minutes later, i'm limping wtf.
this, ladies and gents, is the perfect specimen of what happens when you don't exercise for over 6 months. it's too late for me but save yourselves.
because we are so nauseatingly cheesy like that. this month i expected the usuals when our monthaversary rolled by. for me to remember and him to forget and when i nagnagnag that he doesn't care anymore!/that he's such a pig!/that he has no romance left in him! - he will giggle like a girl over the phone and make up one of his epic lame excuses (that i actually like hearing cos it gets more and more ridiculous over the years wtf).
so i was shocked when i got in the car on Tuesday morning and he handed me a bouquet of pink roses. and and what's even better is that, i wanted to do something for him too. cos i know the past few weeks have been difficult for him having to see me everyday and wait for me and tolerate me being such a girl (being late, losing parking ticket, being very late).
except, all i wanted was to tapau his fav chicken rice for his break.
he gets roses, i get chicken rice. damn romantic. -.-
and based on the reaction i got parading my roses around all day, my friends have a superbly high tolerance for cheesiness. i just never appreciated it, you guys are so awesome! *sniff*
but yea. cos my friends at college were gagging so hard they were ready to make me eat the roses just so i'd die and the cheesiness would end wtf.
i got Secretary! :D
hullo, everybodeh!
it's been about 3 weeks since college started and there was something i've been meaning to talk about but because it's shit embarrassing, i didn't want to until i absolutely had to in hopes that it will go away by the time i had to. yea.
see, before college - heck prob before SPM even - everyone was talking 'bout how they were scared they wouldn't make any friends at college. and i remember thinking, ah i'll be okay. especially after JAK started and everyone did fine. Jun-Elle even got exactly what i wanted, all guy friends only. so it couldn't be that hard right?
aand of course, i got dealt the worst cards and seriously, after the first week - i was so sure i was doomed. not that i didn't talk to anyone, Lord knows i tried. but i found it hard and unnatural most of the time and i couldn't click just like that with anyone. and what's worse Din had to babysit me alot lol sorry to his friends who had to have me tag along during breaks.
but it's all good now :) and i didn't get all-guy friends like i wanted but the people i've found so far are really whoa. like whoa. yea, whoa. wtf.
everything in the classroom is going alright except maybe for math. i don't know how to explain why it sucks balls but it's probably due to having Derrick for two years and i'm not used to a math teacher being so um, different. total opposite of Derrick. my lecturer is no Yasogee but at the same time i don't want to do anything in class 'cept sit in the corner and do all my work because if i followed every step i'd probably fall into a deep sleep and nevar wake up wtf.
i've a quiz tomorrow (see, when i should be studying i blog instead) and i'm running for Student Council Secretary gahaha! Gahaha cos i'm only running because there's apparently no one else running wtf haha. i decided against it at first cos i'm having a hard time juggling my work (okay lah i procrastinate like shit) but then went back on board. i wonder why nobody wants to be Secretary though. i worked like a dog but it was worth the eyebags and caffeine addiction. so Esther for Secretary and oh oh - Karven for PRESIDENT! die lah we's gonna be setting our campuses on fire lol.
shall leave things at that and hopefully i'll get pictures from somewhere to post up. superdork out.