Thursday, August 09, 2007

The One With 9 Blacks & 1 Purple

Finally, pics from the Pelantikan Pengawas '07 =)

Let's start off with the installation itself :

Ok enough. Now the good part - camwhore snaps :

Andrew ehareyouokayornot? Por. Aka our new Head Boy.
(Why am i hunching so low here?)

Andrew esthercanyoupleaselendmeyouraddmathnotes Khong.

AJK Lembaga Pengawas Sesi 07/08. =D

Audrey what'slessonone?two?three?! Mah. From jaga-ing 2D together to mentoring for Pen. Ketua Pengawas II =)
(Oh God hunchbacking here too)

The Maroons+The Blues.

Bionic Woman and me. The one who taught me how to bluff - and that it's way okay to do so. =)


The ones who guided us..

..mollycoddled us..

..the ones we looked up to.

But now their work is done; so we thank them, praise them, and flatter them silly.
And it's our turn to reign!

'Finally everything's ours! Everyone yell spartaa!'
Everyone :
Veena : 'Spa - '

All ours. ; )


What farewell?

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