Saturday, March 21, 2009

The One With Plastic Chandeliers

Karven! i've no credit to reply you i'm stuck at work, can't have lunch.

Veena! no credit to reply you also, i work at BSC (3rd floor, FORCE the bloody security guards to bring you up allll the way cos no way you can find your way up with all the renovation going on. um if you were planning on coming. heh.)


you know what i love? i love kids. but not all kids. i like the types that have just started to walk and they can't balance much so they walk with their tush sticking out a bit and arms flapping at their sides and their footsteps go *plop plop plop* and sometimes they put too much weight on one step and their cheeks will wobble when they land.

i wanna go hooomeee! *weeps*

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